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The Automated Crystallography Platform (PAC) is a shared service from IBMB-CSIC.

It offers researchers a complete set of methods to resolve the crystallographic structure of protein and nucleic acids.

Services offered:

  • Protein crystallization in standard SBS plates. Standard screenings and customized optimizations:
    More than 3000 standard starting conditions in more than 30 different screening plates.
  • Remote inspection of crystal growth.
  • X-ray diffraction in synchrotron.
  • DLS for general use.
  • SEC-MALS analysis of biological macromolecules [contact Mònica Buxaderas:]
  • Design and development of crystallography research projects.
  • Scientific and technical consulting.
  • Use of equipment for academia and companies.


Tecan Evo 100 and 150 for screening and optimization construction
Tecan Evo 100 and 150 for screening and optimization construction

1. Tecan Evo 100 and 150 for screening and optimization construction

Art Robbins Phoenix protein dispenser

2. Art Robbins Phoenix protein dispenser

Douglas Instruments Oryx8 protein dispenser and optimization

3. Douglas Instruments Oryx8 protein dispenser and optimization

Bruker Crystal Farms at 20℃ and 4℃ with remote access for crystal growth inspection

4. Bruker Crystal Farms at 20℃ and 4℃ with remote access for crystal growth inspection

SEC-MALS Shimadzu-Wyatt

5. SEC-MALS Shimadzu-Wyatt

DLS Malvern ZetaSizer

6. DLS Malvern ZetaSizer

Storage and fishing rooms at 20ºC and 4ºC

7. Storage and fishing rooms at 20ºC and 4ºC

Tecan Evo 100 and 150 for screening and optimization constructionArt Robbins Phoenix protein dispenserDouglas Instruments Oryx8 protein dispenser and optimizationBruker Crystal Farms at 20℃ and 4℃ with remote access for crystal growth inspectionSEC-MALS Shimadzu-WyattDLS Malvern ZetaSizerStorage and fishing rooms at 20ºC and 4ºC

Prices 2023

Std. Screenings (per plate) 25.06 45.39 49.71
Optimization plate (per plate) 17.54 35.65 39.04
Additives (price added to Std or Optimization) 10.34 26.31 28.82
Aliquot (per ml if reagent or per µl if additive) 0.67 0.86 0.94
Optimization/customization in DW (96*0.2ml) 25.47 71.73 78.56
Optimization/customization in DW (96*0.5ml) 41.64 92.68 101.51
Optimization/customization in DW (96*1ml) 68.43 127.43 139.56
Optimization/customization in DW (96*1.8ml) 111.33 183.06 200.49
Deep Well 8.71 11.30 12.37
cover for DW 7.18 9.31 10.20
plate MRC-2w 7.25 9.41 10.30
plate MRC-3w 8.78 11.38 12.47
cover for MRC 1.93 2.50 2.74
Data processing, etc. 0.00 55.35 60.62
Pins cryo 13.70 17.77 19.46
SEC-MALS experiment (setup+first sample) 68.17 114.19 125.06
SEC-MALS additional sample 31.01 46.66 51.11
DLS 0.00 0.00 0.00


  • Prices in €. VAT not included
  • Internal: founding groups
  • Academic: public research groups
  • Other: companies
  • It is mandatory to request a budget for new projects
  • DLS: needs free registration. Contact us.

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