Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona
The Instituto de Biología Molecular de Barcelona (IBMB) is a Research Institute belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). IBMB is committed to the generation of knowledge, at the forefront of life sciences, to provide understanding on the architecture of life at all levels, integrating from molecule to organism, and to exploit/transfer the acquired knowledge to societal biomedical and biotechnological challenges.
IBMB is located at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), an initiative of the University of Barcelona (UB) aimed to strengthen biomedical-oriented research and applications by combining both public and private research in a context of highly developed scientific platforms and services, and technology-based “spin-offs”.
IBMB is strongly committed to the education and training of young researchers in cutting-edge research. IBMB offers positions to develop the pre-graduate practicums and Master Thesis at several Universities of Barcelona.
Our PhD students follow the IBMB-Ph. D. Program, which includes the development of a scientific project with the close assistance of the PhD. Office and within the fields of fundamental and translation biology.
Organization chart
Board of Directors
Director of The Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona (IBMB)
Elisa Martí Gorostiza |
Vicedirector of The Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona (IBMB)
María Solà Vilarrubias |
Guillermo Pablo Vicent Martínez |
Administration Office
Chief Administrator
Elena Santamaría
Human Resources Administration
Leonor Calopa
Laura Caballer
Project Administration
Accounting Officer
Gemma Mollà
Yolanda Prado
Purchasing Administration
César Palomar
ITS Administration Information Technology Services
Dani Butjosa
Luís Fernando Montoya
Manel Muñoz
Marc Hsiao
Advisory Bodies
External Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
The External Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) consists of 5 international experts with strong experience in science management. The SAB visits the institute every 3/4 years to evaluate and provide guidance on the performance of the center and individual groups.
The current SAB composition is as follows: acting as president Oscar Llorca (Group Leader at CNIO, Madrid), assisted by Isabel Fariñas (Professor in Cell Biology, Universidad de Valencia), Juan Valcarcel (ICREA Research Professor, Group Leader at CRG, Barcelona), # Irene Miguel Aliaga (Professor of Genetics and Physiology, Imperial College London), and * Pedro Alzari (Professor at Institut Pasteur, Paris).
# New SAB member incorporated on Nov 2022 in substitution of Prof Pura Muñoz (currently PI at the Altos Labs San Diego Institute of Science)
* Former SAB member participating in the SBU_MM 2017 evaluation: Maria Arménia Carrondo (Professor, Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Ulrich Baumann (Professor, Universität zu Köln) and Pedro Alzari, (Professor at Institut Pasteur, Paris)
- Requisitos para proveedores “Datos a incluir en la Factura-E” Ver Anexo : E-FAC
Tender and minor contracts
Direct contract offers IBMB (Minor Contract)
Fecha de publicación | Nº Expediente | Descripción | Tipo de contrato | Estado | Importe | Plazo | Documentos |
10/05/2023 | 050102230510-01 | Revisión con suministro y sustitución de fungible de los 6 sistemas de purificación de agua que se detallan en el objeto del contrato | SERVICIO | Adjudicado Merck Life Science, S.L. | 11.000€ (I.V.A. excluido) | 20/05/2023 | See offer [Merck Life Science, S.L. offer] |
04/07/2022 | 050102220704-03 | Adquisición fuente de iluminación LED8 para microscopio | SERVICIO | Adjudicado Leica Microsistemas, S.L.U. | 11.200€ (I.V.A. excluido) | 11/07/2022 | See offer |
02/05/2022 | 050102220503-02 | Revisión con suministro y sustitución de fungible de los 6 sistemas de purificación de agua que se detallan en el objeto del contrato | SERVICIO | Adjudicado Merck Life Science, S.L. | 10.500€ (I.V.A. excluido) | 15/05/2022 | See offer [Merck Life Science, S.L. offer] |
10/03/2022 | 050102220308-01 | Hiring Research infrastructure management software. | SERVICIO | Adjudicado | 3,200€ VAT excluded | 18/03/2022 | See offer |
19/05/2021 | 05010221051901 | REPARACIÓN DE UN LÁSER MAITAI HP DS | SERVICIO | Adjudicado LASING, S.A | 13.560,00€ (I.V.A. excluido) | 31/05/2021 | See offer [LASING, S.A offer] |
25/02/2021 | 05010221022503 | REPARACIÓN Y REMPLAZAMIENTO DE LA LÁMPARA, VÁLVULA DE INYECCIÓN Y MATERIAL FUNGIBLE INTERNO DEL EQUIPO CROMATOGRAFICO AKTA PURE 25. | SERVICIO | Adjudicado Cytiva Europe GmbH | 5.200,00€ (I.V.A. excluido) | 04/03/2021 | See offer |
25/02/2021 | 05010221022502 | MANTENIMIENTO DEL EQUIPO DE MALS E ÍNDICE DE REFRACCIÓN DE LA PLATAFORMA AUTOMATIZADA DE CRISTALOGRAFÍA DEL IBMB | SERVICIO | Adjudicado Wyatt Technology | Máx. 8.000,00€ (I.V.A. excluido). | 15/03/2021 | See offer [Wyatt Technology offer] |
22/02/2021 | 05010221022201 | REVISIÓN CON SUMINISTRO Y SUSTITUCIÓN DE FUNGIBLE DE LOS SISTEMAS DE PURIFICACIÓN DE AGUA | SERVICIO | Adjudicado Merck Life Science, S.L. | Máx.7.500€ (I.V.A. excluido). | 01/03/2021 | See offer [Merck Life Science, S.L. offer] |
03/11/2020 | 05010220110301 | AMPLIACIÓN DE LICENCIA DE SOFTWARE DE DECONVOLUCIÓN “HUYGENS PRO” | SERVICIO | Adjudicado Scientific Volume Imaging b.v. | Máx. 14.990,00€ | 10/11/2020 | See offer [Scientific Volume Imaging b.v. offer] |
07/10/2020 | 05010220100701 | DESARROLLO E IMPLANTACIÓN DE APLICACIONES ODOO | SERVICIO | Adjudicado | Máx. 6000€ | 15/10/2020 | See offer |
27/11/2019 | 05010219112601 | REPARACIÓN Y CALIBRADO MICROSCOPIO | REPARACIÓN/SUMINISTRO | Adjudicado | 14.415€ | 29/11/2019 | See offer |
- Project co-financed by FEDER: IU16-014045